
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Useful Baby Diaper Changing Tips for Mother

For parents, diapering seems to be a never-ending, messy, frightening and stressful task at the very first time. Diapering your baby is one of the main parts of baby care. The main aim of diapering is to keep the baby dry and comfortable. Many of you may experience apprehension while changing diaper, but after changing a few diapers, you will become habitual and the task will be easier for you. Diapering would be the best time for mothers to interact and bond with their little ones. You can make the diaper changing time more enjoyable and interactive by singing songs and playing peek-a-boo. Diapering basics are similar in both types of diapers: cloth and disposable. Here are a few helpful baby diaper changing tips that will save your time and effort.
Useful Baby Diaper Changing Tips for Mother

The bladder muscles of newborn babies are not mature so they cannot hold urine. So, babies wet their diapers more frequently. As per, if baby goes through an average of 10 diapers a day in the first two years of life, the number of diaper changes will approach around 8000. However, this number reduces as the baby grows. If your baby needs a diaper change more frequently, it means that he/she is getting adequate nutrition and staying healthy. Babies don't have a particular urination schedule so during the first few months, you must change the diaper every 2 to 3 hours or as soon as they’re soiled. This will help to prevent diaper rash.

The urine of the baby is pale during the first few days after birth but slowly color of the urine turns to a deeper shade of yellow. Don’t panic if you see a pink stain on the diaper, it is concentrated urine. But if the staining continues or if you find blood in the urine or stools, you should contact the doctor immediately. Special care must be taken during diapering to avoid mess, the risk of rashes & infections and injuries from falls.

Newborn babies have 3 to 4 somewhat runny stools daily. The first BM (bowel movement) of the baby is meconium, a dark and sticky substance filled in the intestines before birth. After her first stool, the normal digestion starts and the color & consistency of stool changes. Breast-fed babies have yellow, seedy, and runny BMs while formula-fed babies have tan-colored and soft BMs. Once the digestive system of the baby matures, the number reduces to one poop a day. You should contact the doctor, if you see large amounts of mucus, water or blood in the stools or if the baby has hard or dry stools.

How to Change a Diaper?

First of all, keep all the supplies (diaper, diaper rash ointment /petroleum jelly, a soft washcloth and small basin of warm water as well as a diaper wipe) ready on the changing table. If the diaper is only wet, there is no need of cleansing or gently wipe using a wipe or warm washcloth. Just, un-tape & remove the soiled diaper and replace it with a clean diaper immediately.

If your baby had a BM, take off the soiled diaper and clean the diaper area with a diaper wipe or a soft washcloth and warm water from front to back. Always clean the skin folds thoroughly. After cleaning, pat the skin dry with the help of a soft towel. Now, lift the baby’s legs and slide the clean diaper underneath. Apply diaper rash ointment or petroleum jelly and pull the rest of the diaper up over your baby's belly. Un-tape the sides and secure them to the front portion of the diaper. Be sure that the diaper should not be too tight or too loose.

Diaper Rash

All babies who wear diapers are at a risk of developing rashes. There are various factors that lead to rashes such as stiff diapers, wetness, intestinal enzymes in the stool, ammonia and excessive cleaning of the diaper area. To prevent diaper rash, you should change diapers often and use a super-absorbent disposable diaper, zinc oxide cream or petroleum jelly. Diapers having diaper-rash-fighting ingredients are also available in the market. Allow the baby to go without the diaper for some time daily. If the rashes don’t clear up in few days, you should contact your doctor immediately.

Diapering Tips for Mothers

For Girls
  • Don’t worry if you see a small amount of blood or any discharge while changing baby girl's diaper. During the first few days after birth, these things are normal
  • Always clean skin folds and wipe the diaper area from front to back. This will avoid spreading of bacteria such as E. coli
  • Clean diaper properly so that nothing left from a soiled diaper
  • Don’t use soap more frequently as it can enhance the risk of UTI
For Boys
  • When changing a baby boy's, cover the genitals with a diaper or burp cloth to prevent accidents
  • Point the baby’s penis downward while diapering to prevent leakage
  • If your baby has been circumcised, never pull the foreskin down for cleaning
  • Follow the instructions of the doctor while caring for a healing circumcision
  • Clean the skin folds and area under your baby’s scrotum properly
For Both
  • Always use safety straps while using a changing table. This will prevent the baby from falling down
  • Don’t leave the baby alone or unattended on the bed or changing table
  • Never apply baby powder before diapering as it doesn't prevent or treat diaper rash.
  • Change the diaper during bedtime
  • Use soakers (extra strips of cloth) at night, if you are using cloth diapers
  • If your baby is a newborn, clean the diaper area cotton balls and warm water or with a wet baby washcloth.
  • Fold down the front of the diaper to prevent rubbing of diaper against the healing umbilical cord.
  • Never use wipes for newborn babies as they have alcohol that causes rashes and irritation
  • Make sure to wash your hand before and after diapering
  • Don’t change a poopy diaper when baby has socks on

Video of Diaper Changing Tips from youtube:

Video of How to Change a Diaper from youtube:

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