
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Side Effects of The Dukan Diet : Reviews

A good and balanced diet is essential for maintaining health and sensible body weight because Body requires all types of nutrients that you can not obtain from just single food. What type of diet plan do you consider to be healthy? Do you know about Dukan diet? It is a protein based plan that is structured in 4 easy to follow phases - attack, cruise, consolidation and stabilization that all are vital for burning fat. In the initial stage, it considers high proteins food with less or no intake of carbohydrates. It is one of the best diet plans in France; no calories counting, no diet pills or weird foods even no need to go hungry because diet focuses on the temporary removal of carbohydrates which are replaced by protein-rich food, daily dose of oat bran and compulsory daily walk. Using this plan, one can lose weight rapidly in very short period, although some physicians do not consider this healthy because strong emphasis on protein-rich food can cause side effects.

girl measuring waist with measure tap

The dukan diet is combination of high-protein and low-carb food products and it is invented by French MD, nutritionist and dietician, Dr Pierre Dukan. It is comprised of four phases that starts out with seven days Attack Phase, in which you can consume only protein rich food like Chicken, eggs, lean meats, turkey, fish, fat-free cheese and yogurt, skim milk, etc. It does not allow vegetables like carrots, peas, and spinach, which are low in carbohydrates in the first phase. This is a really hard stage for dieters as they have limited choices of food. Sometimes in this phase, people experience tiredness and light headache. Constipation has been experienced by some people but this frequently goes away in the next phase of the diet.

The second phase is cruise, which includes vegetables in to menu. If dieters have faced constipation during the first stage, then they can get relief from this condition because amount of vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, French beans, mushrooms, spinach, and tomatoes are allowed to eat. Dieters must consume vegetables either boiled or raw. In this phase, tiredness is not longer trouble. Even, dieters can experience the loss of food desires and the lack of hunger. Last two phases – Consolidation and Stabilization contain very few side effects because the emphasis is on fruits, proteins, and vegetables. During third phase, you can consume one serving of carbs per week.

Dukan diet is not 100% best for weight loss because it can cause kidney related diseases, diarrhea or constipation due to the less intake of fiber, etc. The most common side effects of this diet is ketosis that happens when the body starts to break down fat for energy, rather than glucose, and effect in matters known as ketones that build up in the bloodstream. Ketogenic diet may cause dehydration, constipation, and occasionally kidney stones or gall stones.

Drinking 2 liters of water a day is necessary for everyone, who are following the Dukan diet or not. So stay healthy, you should drink daily two – three liters of water. If dieters apply this suggestion, then they can get more effects progress on the Dukan diet from the first day. During the dukan diet, dieters have to walk 20 to 30 minutes daily. People can also include several strength-training exercises to get more result and reduce more weight.

Side Effects of Dukan Diet:

Diarrhea, lack of energy, dizziness, headaches, and even blood vessel damage are most common side effects of the Dukan diet. As well, some dieters feel lethargic, cranky, and deprived. The strict restriction on some high nutrients vegetables and fruits causes vitamins and minerals deficiency. In addition, it can cause fragile nails, hair loss, and bad skin.

High Uric Acid: The concentration of Uric Acid is increased due to the high consumption of protein-rich food. Daily, kidneys dispose 70% of daily uric acid. High level of uric acid can also cause pain in joints. One can drink more tea, coffee, Diet Coke and plenty of water to deal with the extra levels of uric acid. You should intake at least 3 liters of water per day to make sure that you help your kidneys filter and remove the uric acid in your blood. One can take allopurinol and drink lots of liquid to get relief from this problem.

Constipation: Fiber helps to keep your digestion running smoothly, but Dukan diet is a high protein, low carbohydrates and no fiber diet, so dieters may experience constipation. However, there are foods that you can eat in the first stage of Dukan diet to avoid side effects of the diet. To avoid constipation, eat your daily dose of oat bran. You can intake small amount of Goji berries, one cup of rhubarm, a half onion, and one tablespoon of Brewer’s yeast to get required amount of fiber. Some sugar free sweets can also works as a mild laxative. If you do not get proper result in constipation by above-mentioned tricks, then you should try less diet friendly methods and consult a doctor.

Bad breath: Bad breath is one of the most common side effects of Dukan diet that happens due to ketosis, a process in which the body burns fat for energy. Not all people face this problem. Also the degree of problem can vary from person to person. Dukan diet can also effect on liver and kidney functions even cause muscle damage in the body.

If you don’t get bad breath problem during diet, then it is good sign and means diet is working. You can easily deal with this problem by taking some mints and sugar free chewing gum. Another side effect of bad breath is plaque and tartar swelling in your mouth. You can use mouthwash and visit dentist to remove excess amounts of Bad breath.

Fatigue: The most side effects of Dukan diet can be cured by drinking enough water throughout the day. Sometime, you might experience headaches, dizziness or fatigue even if you drink enough water.

Carbohydrate Withdrawal Symptoms: The side-effects of the Dukan diet is caused due to sudden carbohydrate withdrawal. Induction flu is the most common symptoms of Dukan diet that occurs when body does not get sufficient amount of fat and carbohydrates. It can also cause fever, nausea, headache, irritability, loss of concentration, and mood swings; but these side effects are limited. A low-carb diet accounts for negative metabolic effects.

Conclusion: However, Dukan diet is neither scientifically approved, nor the great way to lose weight. So that consults your healthcare provider and dietitian before opting it. Following proper guideline, you can get best result in very short period. You can avoid side effects of Dukan diet with the right precautionary measures.


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