
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Using Kitchen Staples as Dual Role - Benefits

Every ones’ kitchen is filled with staples that play dual role. These staples can be used as food as well as for beauty fixes. These staples from the kitchens make you pretty and healthy. You get better health and beauty in less cost. Staples are natural health solutions so they contain no chemicals that are found in store-bought health and beauty products. Here is a list of kitchen staples that will make you pretty and healthy.

Kitchen Staples as Dual Role:

1, Parsley and Mint
Parsley and mint both are very good remedy for bad breath. To get rid of bad breath, just chew some sprigs of mint or parsley. You can use mint for hair growth. Just boil the leaves of mint and strain them. Then add the water in your shampoo. Mint can be used to cure blackheads. Boil 3 leaves of mint in 1 cup water and strain it. This astringent will calm inflammation and shrink the pores. Mint also helps to treat acne, simply apply the juice of mint every night for 10 to 15 mins and wash with cold water. To get rid of dry skin, apply mint frequently. You can use parsley as a hair tonic. Just make a puree of handful of parsley sprigs and 2 tbsp water. Apply this on the wet scalp and cover the hair with towel. After 1 hour shampoo as usual.

2, Honey
Honey helps to cure cough or sore throat remedy as it contain antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Simply consume a few spoonfuls of honey several times in a day. You can also use honey for the treatment of acne. Just apply uncooked honey all over the face and leave it for 5 min. Remove it with the help of wet cloth on face and pat dry. Applying honey on the face also moisturize the skin. Hair loss or baldness can be prevented with honey. Combine 1 tsp honey, 2 tsp water and 1 tsp olive oil. Massage this concoction at night onto the areas that needs it the most. Wash it in the morning. You can also use honey to exfoliate the skin. Mix honey and little white sugar.

3, Yogurt
Yogurt is excellent for hair. Simply apply the plain yogurt on the hair before showering and leave it for 1 hour. Then wash the hair with lukewarm water and mild shampoo. To treat sunburn, apply yogurt to the affected areas for half an hour before showering. To moisturize the skin apply active-culture yogurt all over the face for 20 minutes and wash with cold water. You can also treat blackheads with yogurt. Combine 1 mashed banana in 200ml yogurt and apply this all over the face before sleeping. To make scrub of yogurt, mix ¼ cup yogurt and ¼ cup grounded walnuts. Yogurt also cures rosacea, just apply yogurt for 15 minutes and wash it.

4, Vegetable Shortening
Vegetable shortening is generally used in baking to give soft and crumbly texture to baked goods. You can use vegetable shortening for your skin care. Vegetable shortening can be used to moisturize the skin as it has vitamin A, C, E and D as well as proteins & amino acids that are necessary for healthy skin. You can also use it to get smooth feet. Just rinse feet with warm water and massage them with some shortening. Then cover the feet with socks and wear them all night. On the next morning wash the feet. Shortening contain great properties which soothe and cure the cracked heels. Vegetable shortening also helps to cure eczema and sunburns. Simply apply shortening to the affected areas on the skin and after 15-20 minutes rinse with water. After that, apply little olive oil. Vegetable Shortening can also be used as makeup remover.

5, White Sugar
White sugar can be used for exfoliating. Exfoliating is among the most excellent things we can do for skin. To make white sugar scrub mix ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil, 3-5 drops of any scented extract and 1/3 cup sugar. Then keep it in the refrigerator for 2 hours. You can use this white sugar scrub daily. Massage this scrub all over the body with the help of a soft washcloth.

6, Green Tea Bags
Green tea is among the best things that one can drink. Green tea bags can be used for the treatment of puffy eyes and dark circles. Soak 2 bags in water for 3 to 5 minutes and put them in the refrigerator. Lie down on the floor, close your eyes and put the chilled tea bags on your eyes. Caffeine in tea shrinks the blood vessels and thereby decreases the puffiness. Green tea treats dark circles by reducing the blood vessels dilation under the eyes. You can also use green tea bags to treat acne. Soak the bags in hot water and put on the infected areas. This will kill the bacteria on the skin as well as decrease the redness and inflammation. You can also treat chapped lips with the help of green tea bag. Just wet tea bag in warm water and place it on the lips for 5 mins.

7, Lemon Juice
There are many benefits of lemon juice. Lemon juice exfoliates the skin. Mix 1 Tbsp of sugar with lemon juice and rub this mixture on the face for few minutes. Then wash the face. Lemon juice also helps to get rid of blackheads. Simply massage lemon juice on the affected area before going to bed and wash the face in the next morning. Lemon juice also reduces the wrinkles on the face. Boil ½ cup milk and add 3 Tbsp lemon juice. Apply this mixture on the face and neck for 20 mins. Then rinse it with cold water. Simply rub lemon juice or lemon peels on darken knees, face and elbows skin. This will brighten the skin. To moisturize the skin apply lemon juice directly on the face. Consume lemon water first thing in the morning as it keeps the system hydrate.

8, Olive Oil
Olive oil nourishes and enhances the strength as well as elasticity of the hair. Take several Tbsp olive oil and make it warm. Massage the scalp & hair with this warm oil. Wrap a shower cap over the hair and leave it for 20 to 30 minutes. For moisturizing the skin make the mixture of olive oil (¼ cup) and Lavender oil (few drops) and massage small amount all over the body after exfoliating. For nails, warm several Tbsp of olive oil and add 1 Tbsp lemon juice. Then soak nails in this mixture for 5 to10 minutes. You can also make moisturizing facial mask from olive oil. To make the mask mix olive oil, egg yolk and honey as well as beat till it is well mixed. Apply on the face and leave it for 15 mins. Then wash with warm water. For chapped lips simply apply olive oil on the lips. To keep the hunger pangs away consume ¼ cup olive oil in the morning.

9, Apple Cider Vinegar
Like mint and parsley, apple cider vinegar also helps to get rid of bad breath. Mix ½ tablespoon ACV with 1 cup water and use this mixture to gargle mouth. ACV can also be used to cure acne. Mix 1 part ACV and 3 parts water & apply onto the affected area with the help of a cotton ball. Wash it after 10 minutes and repeat it 3 times a day. ACV also cures age spots as it has sulfur which fights the aging effects. Mix 1 tsp onion juice with 1 tsp ACV and apply directly to the skin. You can also use ACV to exfoliate the skin. Apply ACV all over the face with the help of cotton ball and after 45 mins wash it. ACV can be used for hair growth and hair loss. For hair growth, just apply ACV directly onto the scalp and then apply royal jelly on the hair. Finally wash the hair after some time. For hair loss, combine 2 Tbsp ACV and a pinch of cayenne powder. Then apply this mixture to the scalp for 1 hour and after that shampoo as usual.

10, White Vinegar and Tea Tree Oil
You can use white vinegar and tea tree oil as spray cleaner. Combine white vinegar (1/2 cup), water (3 cups), tea tree oil (10 drops), liquid soap (1 teaspoon), and any essential oil (15 drops) in a spray bottle. Use this cleaner to clean sinks, countertops, kitchen, floors, bathrooms or any surface. You can decrease dandruff by adding few drops of tea tree oil to regular shampoo. Make hair rinse by mixing ½ tablespoon vinegar and 1 cup of water. You can also use vinegar and tea tree oil as a lice treatment. Combine olive oil (½ cup) and tea tree oil (2 or 3 tablespoons). Rub into scalp and leave it for 30 minutes. Then wash the hair and rinse it with vinegar. Wait for 5-10 minutes and wash with hot water. Repeat the rinse of vinegar.

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