Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Health benefits & Nutrition of Jambul: A Monsoon Fruit

With the arrival of Monsoon, everyone reminds the monsoon fruit, Jambul. Jambul fruits are also famous as rose apple fruit or duhat fruit. This well-known common fruit belongs to the flowering plant family and is indigenous to Asian countries such as India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. But, now the plantation of Jambul is also prevalent in other countries such as US, Iran, Brazil, Myanmar, Afghanistan, and specifically in warmer places like Florida. The tree produces dark purple colored oblong or ovoid fruits which resemble a large smooth berry or a black olive; some tasted sour and some sweet. The jambul fruit is particularly good for people suffering from diabetes and has numerous health benefits as well.

Health benefits & Nutrition of Jambul: A Monsoon Fruit

The fruit itself is a juicy berry containing a single stone and has a flavor that differs from sweet to fairly sour, depending on how mature it is. The fruit has two varieties; big and small. The big variety is commonly named as Suva-jamun and is oval in shape. The small variety is commonly recognized as Kutta-jamun and is round in shape. In taste, the bigger variety is very sweeter than the smaller one. The matured variety of the fruits can be eaten raw and they tend to color the tongue to purple. The fruits can also be prepared into sauces, tarts and jam. The fruit is a very good source for vitamin C and vitamin A. From the fruits, vinegar and wine are also prepared. In Ayurveda medicine, the fruits’ seeds are used to control diabetes.

Nutrition of Jambul Fruit:

Jambul Fruit has following nutritional value per 100 g serving:
  • Carbohydrates - 15.56 g
  • Protein - 0.72 g
  • Fat - 0.23 g
  • Vitamins
    • Vitamin A - 3 IU
    • Vitamin C - 14.3 mg
    • Thiamine (B1) - 0.006 mg
    • Riboflavin (B2) - 0.012 mg
    • Pantothenic acid (B5) - 0.160 mg
    • Niacin (B3) - 0.260 mg
    • Vitamin (B6) - 0.038 mg
  • Minerals
    • Potassium - 79 mg
    • Iron - 0.19 mg
    • Phosphorus - 17 mg
    • Magnesium - 15 mg
    • Calcium - 19 mg
    • Sodium - 14 mg

Health benefits of Jambul Fruit

The jambul fruit has a wide variety of medicinal uses. It can help to treat piles, diabetes, diarrhea, dysentery, sterility in females and liver problems. The fruit as such, the leaves, seeds and fruit juice or dried bark are all useful to treat these health issues.


The jambul fruit is a specific medicine for diabetics due to its effect on the pancreas. Jambul seeds contain a glycoside, named jamboline which blocks the conversion of starch into sugar in cases of raised glucose levels. In the treatment of this disease, the seeds, fruits and fruit juice all are helpful. Jambul seeds have been found to raise the insulin secretion from the pancreas.

The seeds can be dried and powdered; this powder should be given 3 to 4 times a day by mixing with water to help to decrease sugar in the urine. Also, it relieves the unappeasable thirst. To treat diabetes, the inner bark of the jambul tree is also utilized. The dried bark is burnt and ash of it should be given to diabetic patient on empty stomach with water daily in the morning, afternoon and in the evening.


Seeds of the jambul fruit are also helpful in case of excess urine production or polyuria. To treat polyuria, the powder of the seeds should be consumed in 1 gm dose in the morning and evening.


Jambul fruits help to treat piles and liver disorders. This well-known fruit is an effective food medicine for treating bleeding piles. During its season, the fruit should be consumed with salt every morning. Fresh jambul fruits are also an effective medicine for bleeding piles if taken together with honey.

Liver Disorders

The jambul fruits contain natural acids which play an essential role in the secretion of digestive enzymes and stimulate the functions of liver. By consuming Jambul regularly, the body’s overall digestion power is improved. The famous physician of the ancient India, Charaka used jambul in the treatment of enlargement of the liver.

Diarrhea and Dysentery

By eating Jambul fruit, you can treat diarrhea and dysentery conditions very easily. The powder of the Jambul’s seed is an effective remedy for that. In these conditions, approximately five to ten grams of this powder should be consumed with butter-milk. A high concentration of tannic and gallic acid present in an infusion of the tender leaves is also an effective medicine for diarrhea and dysentery. For this purpose, a decoction of the bark is also useful if taken with honey.

Female sterility

The leaves of the jambul tree can also help with female sterility. For sterility and miscarriage because of endometrium or ovarian functional disorder, an effective remedy is an infusion of the fresh leaves of jambul fruit with butter-milk or honey. The leaves of the jambul stimulate the progrestrone hormone secretion and help in absorption of vitamin E.

Other Health Benefits:
  • The fruit flesh of the jambul helps in chronic coughs and asthma.
  • It is also helpful to treat whooping cough and cough in pulmonary tuberculosis escorted by chest pain.
  • The seeds are used for an enlargement of spleen.
  • The powder of the seeds is used to treat digestive disorders such as pain lambug, bloating and abdominal cramps.
  • The jambul fruits are helpful in healing wounds.
  • For gums and teeth, it is an excellent healer.
  • It helps to boost the immune system.
  • The fruit helps to protect from recurrent infections or colds.
  • It also helps to prevent aging.
  • The bark and leaves of the jambul tree are utilized to control blood pressure and gingivitis.
  • It prevents the damage of cells.
  • It is also helpful to reduce the risk of cancer.
Precautions or Warning:

The jambul fruit should not be eaten in excess as it is not good for throat and chest. Its excessive use may cause cough, accumulation of sputum in the lungs, and soreness to the chest and throat.


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