Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dangers of Excessive Salt Intake

Salt is an integral part of our life as it makes the food tastier and more delicious. For many of us, it may not be possible to avoid salt. However, high salt intake is very risky for our body. When we intake salt, we actually intake sodium chloride. Sodium is required by the body to regulate the amount of water in body and for the proper working of muscles. Many people have the habit of consuming salt aside from utilizing it in the food. Excessive salt intake actually does the damage to the body and may lead you to multitude of sufferings or serious health problems. So, it depends on you to make a decision whether your health is important or your taste buds. Get knowledge about the dangers and health risks of excessive salt intake.

Dangers of Excessive Salt Intake

The processed foods become tastier when salt is added in a little bit more amount. However, if this simple habit is replicated too much and too recurrently then it may cause severe damage to your health. Most Americans consume more salt than the required amount, which is maximum 2,300 mg a day for healthy individuals and minimum 2,000 mg for individuals having certain diseases. This amount is equal to one teaspoon of salt. According to one survey, people should consume 6 gm salt daily but we intake 9 gm salt in a day. Australian researchers have found that death risk due to heart disease has been decreased up to 18 % as many companies have reduced salt content in their foods. Hypertension is one of the most dangerous health problems caused by the excess consumption of salt. It is essential to study about recognizing the side effects or dangers of too much salt intake to help to prevent complications associated with it.

High Blood Pressure

Until now, many researches have been done on high blood pressure and have indicated excessive salt intake as one of the reasons of high blood pressure. Studies have also found that reducing the intake of salt lowers the blood pressure considerably. In the diet, the main sources of sodium are processed, frozen and food from restaurants. The body retains more fluid when the sodium levels increase in the body and it may become the risk for a heart attack or stroke.

Fluid Retention

In case of excess sodium in the body, the work load to kidney also increases and they will generally excrete the excess amount. Sodium levels can build up in the body if the kidneys are not working properly or if salt intake is too elevated for the kidneys to keep up with. This in turn responsible for the fluid retention in the body and may lead to swelling or edema.

Cardiovascular disease

Blood pressure will be increased if you eat too much salt and as a result of this raised blood pressure the work load of heart will be boosted as well. If your heart works at an elevated rate for a long time, then you may be affected with some cardiovascular diseases.


Excessive salt intake will raise the risk of developing hypernatremia, a physical condition wherein the sodium concentration is greater than the normal concentration level.

Damaging to bone mass

Some researches and studies have also shown that excessive salt intake leads to damage to the bone mass.

Tips to reduce salt intake:
  • Avoid use of salt in boiled vegetables and beans.
  • It is not necessary to add salt in bannock and cooked rice. It is a good habit to eat them without salt.
  • Try to reduce consumption of fried foods.
  • Make a habit to eat salad without salt.
  • Take a dinner without salt in a week.
  • Carefully read the labels when you go for your favorite processed food items.

Also, you can decrease your salt intake by consuming fresh foods such as fresh vegetables, fruits, or meats which contain sodium in low amount; using spices and herbs in place of salt-containing seasonings to improve the taste of the foods; and also avoiding or decreasing consumption of processed foods.
The daily recommended amount of sodium intake for healthy individuals is no more than 2,400 mg and the lower is better.


Why is it that the health community, the FDA or Government hasn't told us of the dangers of salt??????
I was just diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure and it is all caused from salt.....I am mad as hell that no one told me just what I was doing to myself.

I've heard about the dangers of excessive salt my whole life. There's really no one to blame but yourself.

dont blame otehrs for your mistakes.. its your health and its your responsibility to figure out what is good and bad for you..

Further evidence doctors are trying to kill off all the old people. My father had a subdural hematoma of unknown cause (no head injury) the doctor had him taking salt tablets. Three per day each 2000 mg. OK if 2300 per day is recommended why would they have my father continue taking 6000 per day plus what he got in his food. He started having heart palpitations, which at 87 he had never had previously. So, he stopped taking the salt tablets and the palpitations smoothed out and stopped. He eats a normal healthy diet with not too much salt or too little.

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