Friday, June 17, 2011

Is sex effect on Men's Heart?

Men with heart disease think that the risk of a heart attack increases by having sex. However having heart disease doesn’t mean the end of satisfying and enjoyable sex life. A satisfying sex life is very necessary for the enduring happiness of any couple without it the person feels frustrated and annoyed. As per studies 1% heart attacks are related with sexual activity and 0.5 % with fatal arrhythmias.

The risk of having a heart attack in any one hour for a healthy 50-year-old man is 1 in a million. This risk is doubled with sexual activity. The risk of having a heart attack for men with heart disease is 20 in 1 million (10 times higher). Vigorous exertion increases the risk of heart attack as heart works hard to supply blood to the body which raises heart rate and blood pressure. If the heart does not get enough blood to do its work due to blockages in the heart’s arteries, then a person suffer chest pain or a heart attack. Men who exercise regularly have less risk of sex-related heart attack.

Men who had sex less than one time in a month are 45% more likely to develop cardiovascular disease compared to counterparts who had sex two times a week or more, as per Massachusetts study. According to the study carried out in the UK, men who had 3 or more orgasms per week had 50% lower death rate. It is because 5 calories burn per minute during sex.

Men who had suffered a heart attack should consult medical practitioner before engaging in any sexual activity. They should also avoid erectile dysfunction drugs if they are consuming drugs with nitrates. A man should probably avoid knocking boots if he cannot climb several flights of stairs easily. Men who cheat their partner are at higher risk of having a heart attack as the excitement level may be higher. Sex with few cautions and familiar partner is safe as well as good for the heart.


Good insights. I most especially liked the fact presented where cheating men are more likely to suffer from heart attack due to an elevated excitement level. Moral of the article, stay faithful and avoid the risk of heart attack! :)

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