Friday, September 23, 2011

Foods for Strengthening Bones

It is said that, if the amount of meat is less in your body, then no problem at all but the bones should be stronger. Strong bones are essential requirement for strong personality. You cannot be successful in your life without strong bones. Lack of care can damage the bones including the teeth, spine, jawbone, hip and leg bones. To be safe from this condition, achieve the maximum possible bone mass before adulthood and maintain it as longer as you can.

Foods for Strengthening Bones
Calcium is the most important requirement to keep the bones stronger. Certain quantity of calcium is circulated in blood all the time. But when the intake of minerals is insufficient, calcium is reabsorbed from bones to facilitate the supply at other required place. For example, calcium is provided to a growing fetus by this way during pregnancy, if the amount of calcium is insufficient in blood. So the bones become honeycombed, porous and so fragile that can crack more easily. A major cause of this condition is insufficient intake of calcium. Other causes include calcium-phosphorous imbalance, failure to absorb calcium, lack of certain hormones or lack of exercise.

Intake of enough nutrients in diet and supplements is very important to maintain strong bones. Calcium 2,000 mg/day, magnesium 1,000 mg/day, with other plant-derived colloidal minerals is essential. Minerals and Calcium are abundantly found in natural foods like carrot juice, green leafy vegetables and broccoli. Ideal dietary ratio of calcium/phosphorous is 2:1 and it can be achieved by taking calcium supplements only. Calcium/phosphorous ratio for several foods are given here: fish - 1:12; grain - 1:8; carbonated drinks - 1:8; organ meat - 1:44; red meat - 1:12.

Vitamins are very essential requirement to keep the bones healthy. Vitamin A helps in increasing the rate of bone growth, B complex helps in bone mass formation, B6 helps to increase connective tissue strength in bones, K helps to synthesize osteocalcin (a special protein matrix) which attracts calcium in to the bones, folic acid helps to prevent the formation of toxic homocysteine which can produce osteoporosis.

Select natural, fresh unrefined organically grown foods and prepare with attention and care. Fresh vegetables increase calcium and other minerals in our body.

Milk is a very important source for strengthening of the bones. Even any little child can also explain the importance of milk in bone strengthening. Fat free or low fat milk is a best source of calcium. Milk is a good nutritional source of magnesium, phosphorus, riboflavin and vitamins like A, D and B12.

Green vegetables:
Green vegetables are very good sources of calcium and phosphorus. Eat plenty of both raw and steamed vegetables. Daily use of green vegetables makes teeth and bones stronger. The green leafy vegetables are best source for calcium and other minerals. Proper use of leafy green vegetables like Spinach, fenugreek, tothakura, turnip greens and collard greens, which are high in calcium provides energy to our body. People with dentures find difficulty to eat vegetables and because of that calcium and magnesium deficiency occurs. This people should have to consume raw vegetable juices daily.

Dry fruits:
Dry fruits such as almonds, walnut, pistachios, apricot kernels etc. are considered as the best source of calcium. Groundnut contains calcium and potassium in considerable proportion which is enough for bone strengthening.

Dairy Products:
Dairy Products like cheese, cottage cheese and yogurt are good source of calcium, according to experts. Consume yogurt in your daily diet as it is very advantageous. Non-fat dairy products are superb resource of calcium which is required for good bone health. You should have to take dairy products in appropriate amount.

Orange Juice:
Orange juice is good nutritional store of calcium, minerals, and vitamins.You can use this nutritious juice at any time but it has a much more advantages, if it is taken in early morning. Keep the proportion of orange high, if you drink the mix juice.

Whole Grains:
Grains are also an important source of calcium and minerals. Consume 2 or 3 serving of whole grains every day, such as barley, quinoa, buckwheat, brown rice, oats and cornmeal. Millet is rich in silica, magnesium and calcium and it is a first-rate grain for older people. Amaranth and quinoa are rich in minerals. Brown rice also contains high amount of calcium.

Drink 8 to 10 glass filtered water every day, depending on your diet which is either more dry or low-water foods such as grains, baked products and animal protein, or high-water foods such as fruits, sprouted whole grains and fresh vegetables.

Meat is not so much good for healthy bones. If you eat meat, then cook softened bones of tinned sardines, salmon etc. Chew on the drumstick ends and softened wing tips of well-cooked chicken.

Soy foods:
Certain soy foods are important source to strengthen the bones. Tofu which has been made from the Soya bean is a rich source of magnesium, which is essential for healthy bones. Tofu has zero cholesterol, unlike animal protein.

High-fat diet can cause daily loss of calcium 4 times more than that of low-fat diet. Excessive fat intake lowers bone mass. Consume healthful fat oils such as unrefined sunflower and sesame oils, unheated extra-virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil etc.

Other foods which are high in calcium include pinto beans, kale, and sesame seeds. Eggs, onions and garlic contain sulfur, which is required for healthy bones.

Avoid items such as white-sugar products, a high-meat diet and caffeine containing products: tea, coffee, chocolate and cola drinks. These substances leach calcium and other minerals from the bones or remove it from the food before digestion.


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