Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Treatment Guidelines for Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry Eye Syndrome is very common condition that takes place due to inadequate lubrication and wetness in the eyes. In this condition, either your eyes are not able to produce sufficient tears or tears produced by eyes get speedily disappeared. Your eyes get swollen due to speedily evaporate of tears. Dry eye syndrome becomes the reason of discomfort and ache in the eyes so there is need to prevent it. Many treatments are available that gives you relief from Dry Eye Syndrome.

 Keratoconjunctivitis sicca is the other name of dry eye syndrome. Increase in tear film evaporation or reduce in the tear production is the common reason of dry eye syndrome. Tear evaporation increases due to thyroid eye disease, swelling in eyelid for long time and blepharitis. Sjögren's syndrome or rheumatoid arthritis situation is responsible for the reduction in the tear production. Tear film has three essential layers, mucous, water and oil. If any of these three layers get problems, it gives you a signs of dry eye syndrome.

High altitudes, dry, hot or gusty weather, air-conditioning and smoking are the causes of dry eyes. You will not suffer from dry eyes, if your eyes are covered by fluid continuously that is called tear film. It remains constant at every blink. Stable tear film helps to give comfortable vision, maintains the eyes clear and avoids the eyes to become dry.

Symptoms of dry eye syndrome

  • Person feels discomfort while wearing contact lenses
  • Stinging and burning sensation in the eyes
  • Eyes feel tiredness after reading at short period of time
  • Person experiences dryness, soreness and grittiness in eyes.
  • Stringy mucus can be found in or around the eyes
  • Extra tearing
  • Eye sensitivity to light smoke and wind
  • Redness of the eyes
  • Unclear vision
  • Eyelids attach jointly while wake up
  • Double vision

Treatment for dry eye syndrome:

Eyelid problems
People who experience eyelid problem or incomplete blinks may have a greater risk of dry eye syndrome. In such a condition, you should consult oculoplastic surgeon. Sometimes person may feel inflammation in eyelid, known as blepharitis. Your doctor may suggest you to clean the affected area by combining baby shampoo with water. Ointment or antibiotic drops and oral antibiotics like tetracycline or doxycycline are recommended by doctor at night time use.

Artificial tear
Artificial tears drops should be suggested in primary case of dry eyes. If you are suffering from constant dry eyes, then you can use artificial tear drops as many times as you want in a day. Safe dose of eye drops include four times in a day. Eye drops, which give you a relief from redness of eyes, should be avoided as it affects your eyes adversely. If you experience dry eyes at night, use thick form of lubricant like ointment.

Doctor may suggest Cyclosporine or Restasis to treat constant dry eyes as it decreases swelling of the eye surface by making healthy tears. It should be used only under the prescription of doctor because sometimes it leads to eye infection. When the patient does not get result from application of lubricating tear drops and feel continuous irritation in the eye, Steroid drops should be suggested.

Moisture chamber spectacles
Moisture chamber spectacles are just like normal goggles. This spectacle gives a protection from wind and maintains moisture in the eyes. Moisture chamber spectacles are preferred by many people as it has attractive sporty design.

To maintain moist in the air surrounding you, make a use of humidifier at home and at work place. If you can’t afford humidifier for all time, install humidifier in winter time to moist dry indoor air. Or to maintain moist in air, you can spray your curtains with water.

Clean your eyes
Try to keep your eyes clean by water but do not use boiling water. Upper and lower eyelid can be cleaned with the help of cotton bud. Massage your eyes softly in a circular motion by using clean finger. This will help to remove mucus-like fluid from the eyelid glands.

To avoid dry eyes, include foods that are rich in omega-3 fats in your daily diet as it is used in tears production. Oily fish like sardines, salmon, herring, tuna, mackerel, flax oil, hemp oil, olive oil, hemp seed, soybeans, ground flax seed, pumpkin seeds, canola oil and English walnuts have rich quantity of omega 3 fats. Rich source of potassium such as almonds, bananas, wheat germ, dulse, avocados, raisins, dates etc can be taken to avoid dry eyes.

Surgical option
Salivary gland transplantation is suggested when non surgical treatments do not give result. Some salivary glands of lower lip are implanted into the side of the eyes. They produce saliva that acts as a substitute for tears.

Temporary or Permanent Punctal Occlusion is available to treat dry eyes syndrome. If the temporary Punctal Occlusion works well and produce the sufficient tears then Permanent Punctal Occlusion surgery should be recommended.

Guidelines for the prevention of dry eyes syndrome

  • Boston Scleral Lens contact lens should be inserted on the white part of the eye, sclera. It generates fluid layer over the cornea that prevents dry eyes syndrome.
  • Maintain monitor of your computer below your eye level.
  • Stay away from smoking to prevent dry eyes.
  • Use eyes drops before eye starring activities including reading and computer operating.
  • Do not open your eyes to car heaters, electric fans, air conditioners, hair dryers and keep away from blow air into your eyes.
  • Do not rub your eyes as it put dry eyes in worse condition.
  • Drink at least ten glasses of water every day.
  • If you want to go for natural remedy, use Primrose Oil to treat dry eyes.
  • Many women feel dry eyes during the breast feeding and pregnancy. Thus, just make some alteration in your diet program and apply more drops in these times.


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