Thursday, May 31, 2012

How to choose the Best Sunscreen lotion?

The hot weather of Summer cannot stop the people from moving out of house. But when you go out in sun, it is very essential to get adequate protection from sun's dangerous ultraviolet (UV) rays. Wearing Sunscreen is the best way to protect your skin from the hazardous sun exposure effects like sunburn, premature lines, wrinkles, age spots, skin cancers,...

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What is right way to Eat Fruits?

Among all the natural foods available to us, Fruits are the most scrumptious, delightful and enchanting. Aren’t they??? Every people are god-gifted with a natural instinct for sweet, in natural savor of fruits. In addition to providing flavor satiety to our tongue, fruit also provides our body with a great density of nutritional value. It is very...

12 New Amazing species Discovered this year

Earth is truly an amazing and magnificent planet inhabited by many places and creatures which are still remain undiscovered. It has been around billions of years since human being has been living on earth. All across this great planet, new and spectacular species and locations are found more and more frequently and give us rare glances of the extreme...

Friday, May 25, 2012

Natural Homemade tips to make your White Hair Black

Looks play an important role in making impression on others… Along with face and figure, Hair is also a crucial part of our physical look and can play a key role in preserving our self-confidence. But there are many people around us, in whom the significant strands of white hair start to grow earlier then the time. This problem embarrasses the people...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Diabetes Treatment using Natural remedies

Diabetes is a chronic nutritional disorder in which the body cannot utilize the glucose completely, resulting in elevated sugar levels in blood and urine. The lack of insulin or no insulin in the body is responsible for this fatal disease. The condition is common in people who are obese and lack in physical activities. Diabetes is a fatal disease,...

Monday, May 21, 2012

Symptoms of Flesh Eating Disease

Flesh eating disease is also referred as necrotizing fasciitis, which means decaying skin. Actually, the flesh is not eaten but the skin starts dying as a result of the infection. It is a rapid progressive type of bacterial infection that destroys the skin, fat and underlying soft tissue that covers the muscle in a short time span (within 12 to 24...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Health Benefits of Pawpaw Tree Fruit

Pawpaw Tree Fruit or Papaya or Papaw or Tree Melon is an exotic fruit that loaded with abundant health benefiting nutrients. Papaya is one of the wonderful gifts of God to humanity with delicious flavor and plentiful essential nutrients. The nutritional, therapeutic, medicinal and digestive properties of this fruit put it in a favorite category of...

Monday, May 14, 2012

Eat Anti-Alzheimer Foods to fight Alzheimer disease

Alzheimer attacks the most active and vital part of human bodies, none other than Brain. The loss of memory and gradual decline of the brain are two major indications of Alzheimer. Yet, there have been no special treatments for Alzheimer but there are some special foods that can save the victim from the intense effect of the disease and try to retain...

Friday, May 11, 2012

Truvada: A first HIV Prevention pill in queue for FDA approval

Truvada, a pill already approved to treat the HIV infected people since 2004, is expected to move one step further to get the approval for becoming the first official HIV Prevention pill to thwart healthy people from being infected with AIDS causing virus. An advisory panel of experts recently suggested the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) agency...

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Spinal Muscular Atrophy: Symptoms & Treatment

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a rare genetic disease that affects the part of nervous system which control muscle movements of the body. The nerve cells, called motor neurons, links the nervous system and muscle fibres. Most of these neurons are situated in spinal cord because of which the disease is named as Spinal muscular atrophy. When brain...

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Manduki Mudra: Kriya Method, Benefits & Tips

Mudra is a Sanskrit word, which means ‘attitude’ or ‘gesture’. The Mudras can be best explained as emotional, aesthetic, psychic, devotional and spiritual attitudes or gestures. Being a combination of subtle physical movements, Mudras deepen concentration and consciousness by altering attitude, mood and perception. This article is about the Kriya...

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