Saturday, June 30, 2012

Belviq is FDA approved anti-obesity pill

The first innovative prescription drug for long-term weight loss, Arena Pharmaceutical's anti-obesity pill Belviq has been approved on Wednesday by the Food and Drug Administration. Belviq becomes the first federal-approved prescription drug for weight loss in 13 years and is expected to enter the U.S. market in the next decade. This drug got approval...

Friday, June 29, 2012

Tips on How To Prevent Breast Sagging

With the passing time, women’s breasts tend to sag or droop. Breast sagging is an issue that every woman has to face at some point in her life. The breasts sag as the skin elasticity around the breasts loses over the time. The skin may lose its elasticity due to a number of reasons. These reasons include weight loss, pregnancy, childbirth, smoking,...

Thursday, June 28, 2012

How to Treat an Ear Infection with Tea Tree Oil?

Nearly all of us neglect ear till it develops a problem. Like other parts of the body, ear is also one of the most delicate but important part. Ear Infection is a common problem that affects any of the three parts: inner ear, middle ear and the outer ear of human ear. There are three types of ear infections such as otitis media, otitis interna and...

Danger Diet Trends for Weight Loss

Unknown Weight loss programs and diets may sometime leads you to danger point of health. Check out some Danger Diet trends you should not follow in your life to remain healthy. Weight loss has become fashion of the generation of 21st century. The activity of weight loss is not vague, but the methods used for quick weight loss are short and dangerous...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Natural Beauty products you can make at Home

Each and every one of us is concerned about skin. There exists a wide range of beauty products that enhances one’s beauty. World Health Organisation had issued a notice against the skin-lightening products that contain mercury as an ingredient. It is proven that cosmetics that contain chemicals, especially mercury and phthalates can cause disorders...

Saturday, June 23, 2012

How to lose weight by meditating?

Number of people that suffering from over weight problem is increasing day by day. Over weight people are more prone to dangerous and life-threatening diseases. Consequently, everyone in this world wants to shed those extra kilos to live one’s precious life to the fullest. In order to reduce the excessive body weight, the first two things that comes...

Friday, June 22, 2012

Why should you have to take care of your feet for a lifetime?

Often we don’t pay attention to our feet, but they are an important part of our body. Even if they are a small part of our body they help us in walking, running etc. We need to take care of our feet to avoid risky foot problems that can lead to toe, foot, or leg amputation. Acupuncture was first practiced in China and it is one of the oldest and effective...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Natural Energy Boosters that boost energy instantly

The hectic modern lifestyle makes everyone feel tired and fatigued all the time. People often take tea, coffee, or energy drinks to overcome the feeling of tiredness. Moreover in the worst cases, some people also opt for drugs that are being advertized as energy boosters. However above given options might enhance your energy initially, later on they...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Healthy breakfast tips for daily diets

Have you ever tried to kick off your vehicle in the morning without having any fuel in it? It seems silly, isn’t it? Starting a day without Healthy breakfast resembles the same silliness. The name ‘breakfast’ itself suggests that it is the meal which should be eaten for 'breaking the fast' after going almost ten hours overnight without food. There...

Sunday, June 17, 2012

How to Stay cool in Summer?

A year devoid of summer resembles a life devoid of love. Summer is a dreadful still it is really a pleasant season. It can present you with a pleasurable and enjoyable experience, but only when you Stay Cool. The summer heat can be dreadful for you if you could not stay cooler. Not all the people or families can afford air conditioner, and thereby...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Foods to add in your Diet for a Bikini Body

The hot winds of summer are surrounding us but here the question arises that how to enjoy these winds in bikini? For this, the body should hold the perfect shape. But, not to worry as now it is easy to carry perfect Bikini body with the help of some healthy dietary foods. A mutual misunderstanding is prevailing in people that abs exercises is enough...

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Home remedies of Heat rash, an Itchy Skin in Summer

During summer, the days are very bright and sunny. This heat lead people to excessive sweating that can cause skin irritation, prickly sensation and redness, especially on the back. Children are more prone to heat, as they stay out in the sun for longer period and ultimately it results in heat rash. Heat rash is a skin condition that causes itching,...

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Get tips on How to Dry Nail Polish Faster?

One of the most frustrating things while painting the nails is messing them up right after you are done! It is really difficult to tell when the nail polish is completely dry. Sometimes, it may feel like dry but when you touch the nails to check it out, it smudges and you get your fingerprint marks on your lovely nail-paints. If you have a busy schedule...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Bedroom Plants for healthy Relationship & Sex life

Every year on June 05, we celebrate the World Environment Day. Generally people cultivate plants or get busy in the garden on this day. But we all know that only a single day is not enough for being a plant lover. Plants are so useful for us that nearly every aspect of our life is affected by them. You may be amazed to know that they are good for...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

How to Improve Depression and Anxiety Naturally?

Number of people suffering from depression and anxiety is increasing day by day. The main reason for this ever increasing number is obviously the stress filled life. The normal reaction to stress is generally termed as anxiety and when this anxiety level becomes excessive in a person, he/she is considered as a sufferer of the anxiety disorder. Moreover,...

Sunday, June 3, 2012

5 Best Meat-Free Vegetarian Sources of Protein

Eating a vegetarian diet can be very healthy and rewarding. Most people are used to get protein from meat, but what about the vegetarians? Aren't plant-based proteins lower quality or "incomplete" proteins? This is the reason why, most vegetarians are concerned about getting adequate amount of protein. If you are a vegetarian as well, then you need...

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Not waking up energized? These could be the possible reasons

Waking up is the most difficult task of the morning for many of us. Few lucky people wake up all bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning. But, there are many people who feel tired in the morning even after sleeping for 7 or 8 hours. As per survey, 3 in 4 people wake up exhausted. When a person gets up exhausted, he/she has a pounding headache...

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