Human papilloma virus (HPV) is most common virus that is passed on from one person to another through sexual contact. There are over hundred kinds of HPV, some of them cause warts and infect the feet and hand and approximately forty of them infect the genital area such as anus, cervix, penis, rectum, scrotum, vagina, or vulva and cause cancers in women and genital warts in men and women. HPV that causes genital warts is known as "high-risk" types of HPV. HPV vaccines are provided to prevent HPV infection and HPV-related diseases. Similar to any medicine, a vaccine can probably cause severe problems like allergic reactions. Refer this article to know about risks and side effects of HPV vaccine.
Mostly HPV infected people do not recognize that they are infected because most of HPVs cause no develop symptoms or health problems. There is no way to identify people, in whom the HPV will develop cancer or other health problems. Some types of HPV can cause diverse health problems like warts and others can cause cancers of the anus, cervix, oropharynx, penis, vagina, and vulva. Some HPVs infect the sole or toes of the foot and cause plantar warts. Some HPV infects mouth and throat. When warts grow in throat then this condition is known as recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP). Thirty to forty types of HPV virus infects the sexual areas of males and females as well they may cause genital warts.
When a small bump or groups of bumps grows in the sexual area, it is called Genital warts that can be little, large, elevated or even, or appeared similar to a cauliflower. Genital warts can be seemed within weeks or months after sexual contact with a HPV infected spouse although he/she has no symptoms of genital warts. Warts will not develop into cancer so if they left without treatment, they possibly go away, stay unaffected, or rise in size or number. On the other hand HPVs that cause cervical cancer generally does not have symptoms until cancer becomes advanced, very severe and difficult to treat. Early symptoms of cervical cancer can be found by screening tests so women are advised to get regular screening for cervical cancer.
Infections with some types of HPVs that are linked with the growth of cervical cancer, genital warts, and several less frequent cancers can be prevented by HPV vaccine. At present, there are two types of HPV vaccines such as Gardasil and Cervarix are available in the market. Both vaccines can defend against HPV-16 and HPV-18 that cause anal cancers, cervical cancers, vaginal cancers, vulvar cancers and most HPV induced oral cancers, as well as some other rare genital cancers. It is shown that both vaccines have been shown to stop potentially precancerous lesions of the cervix. Gardasil also guards against HPV-6 and HPV-11 that cause genital warts.
Three doses of HPV vaccine are provided to defend against HPV infection and HPV-associated sicknesses. Both vaccines are approved to use in females but only Gardasil is approved to use in males. All teen girls and women between the ages of 11 and 26 years as well as boys and men between the ages of 9 and 21 years are advised to get HPV vaccines. In addition, gay and bisexual men through age 26 years and men with compromised immune systems are advised to get HPV vaccines. As per CDC guidelines, the HPV vaccine should be provided as follows:
If someone’s vaccination schedule left incomplete, then he/she is advised for re vaccination.
Caution on HPV vaccination:
Remember that in some cases, one should not get the HPV vaccine such as women in pregnancy, if some one has had a serious allergic reaction to an earlier dose of the HPV vaccine, as well someone suffering from moderate or serious disease. However, females, who are breastfeeding, can safely get the HPV vaccine. People, who are older than 26 years of age, are not advised to get HPV vaccine because its security and efficiency have not yet been learned in adults older than 26 years of age.
Risk and side effects of HPV Vaccine:
The Food and Drug Administration as well as CDC have approved the safety and efficiency of both vaccines. Both vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix were analyzed on thousands of people across the world, and these studies shown no severe safety anxieties. Some gentle side effects such as pain and itching at the injection site, faintness, dizziness, fever, headache, and nausea were reported in these analyses. However, some serious unpleasant effects such as death, permanent disability, life-threatening illness and hospitalization were reported in the analysis of Gardasil. An uncommon disorder, Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) that causes muscle weakness, has been shown after vaccination with Gardasil. Blood clots formation in the heart, lungs and legs have been reported after vaccination but there is no proof to suggest that Gardasil causes or increases the threat of GBS or blood clots.
Health care providers are suggested by FDA and CDC that all vaccine recipients should be seated or lying down during the vaccination and be closely examined for 15 minutes after vaccination to stop falls and injuries. If any odd situation such as high fever or behavior changes, or symptoms of severe allergic reaction like difficulty in breathing, hoarseness or wheezing, skin complaint, paleness, fault, a rapid heart beat or dizziness were reported, then one should call the doctor or visit the doctor.
Mostly HPV infected people do not recognize that they are infected because most of HPVs cause no develop symptoms or health problems. There is no way to identify people, in whom the HPV will develop cancer or other health problems. Some types of HPV can cause diverse health problems like warts and others can cause cancers of the anus, cervix, oropharynx, penis, vagina, and vulva. Some HPVs infect the sole or toes of the foot and cause plantar warts. Some HPV infects mouth and throat. When warts grow in throat then this condition is known as recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP). Thirty to forty types of HPV virus infects the sexual areas of males and females as well they may cause genital warts.
When a small bump or groups of bumps grows in the sexual area, it is called Genital warts that can be little, large, elevated or even, or appeared similar to a cauliflower. Genital warts can be seemed within weeks or months after sexual contact with a HPV infected spouse although he/she has no symptoms of genital warts. Warts will not develop into cancer so if they left without treatment, they possibly go away, stay unaffected, or rise in size or number. On the other hand HPVs that cause cervical cancer generally does not have symptoms until cancer becomes advanced, very severe and difficult to treat. Early symptoms of cervical cancer can be found by screening tests so women are advised to get regular screening for cervical cancer.
Infections with some types of HPVs that are linked with the growth of cervical cancer, genital warts, and several less frequent cancers can be prevented by HPV vaccine. At present, there are two types of HPV vaccines such as Gardasil and Cervarix are available in the market. Both vaccines can defend against HPV-16 and HPV-18 that cause anal cancers, cervical cancers, vaginal cancers, vulvar cancers and most HPV induced oral cancers, as well as some other rare genital cancers. It is shown that both vaccines have been shown to stop potentially precancerous lesions of the cervix. Gardasil also guards against HPV-6 and HPV-11 that cause genital warts.
Three doses of HPV vaccine are provided to defend against HPV infection and HPV-associated sicknesses. Both vaccines are approved to use in females but only Gardasil is approved to use in males. All teen girls and women between the ages of 11 and 26 years as well as boys and men between the ages of 9 and 21 years are advised to get HPV vaccines. In addition, gay and bisexual men through age 26 years and men with compromised immune systems are advised to get HPV vaccines. As per CDC guidelines, the HPV vaccine should be provided as follows:
- First dose will be given the people between ages of 11 and 26.
- Second dose will be given one to two months after the first dose.
- Third dose will be given six months after the first dose.
If someone’s vaccination schedule left incomplete, then he/she is advised for re vaccination.
Caution on HPV vaccination:
Remember that in some cases, one should not get the HPV vaccine such as women in pregnancy, if some one has had a serious allergic reaction to an earlier dose of the HPV vaccine, as well someone suffering from moderate or serious disease. However, females, who are breastfeeding, can safely get the HPV vaccine. People, who are older than 26 years of age, are not advised to get HPV vaccine because its security and efficiency have not yet been learned in adults older than 26 years of age.
Risk and side effects of HPV Vaccine:
The Food and Drug Administration as well as CDC have approved the safety and efficiency of both vaccines. Both vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix were analyzed on thousands of people across the world, and these studies shown no severe safety anxieties. Some gentle side effects such as pain and itching at the injection site, faintness, dizziness, fever, headache, and nausea were reported in these analyses. However, some serious unpleasant effects such as death, permanent disability, life-threatening illness and hospitalization were reported in the analysis of Gardasil. An uncommon disorder, Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) that causes muscle weakness, has been shown after vaccination with Gardasil. Blood clots formation in the heart, lungs and legs have been reported after vaccination but there is no proof to suggest that Gardasil causes or increases the threat of GBS or blood clots.
Health care providers are suggested by FDA and CDC that all vaccine recipients should be seated or lying down during the vaccination and be closely examined for 15 minutes after vaccination to stop falls and injuries. If any odd situation such as high fever or behavior changes, or symptoms of severe allergic reaction like difficulty in breathing, hoarseness or wheezing, skin complaint, paleness, fault, a rapid heart beat or dizziness were reported, then one should call the doctor or visit the doctor.
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