Saturday, September 27, 2014

Special Traditional Recipes for Navratri Festival In India

Enjoy playing garba in navratri and tempt your tongue with special Indian traditional recipes to make your celebration a cheerful and delicious as each recipe. A variety of cuisines accompanied with each special celebration is a heart of every Indian festival. An energetic celebration of nine nights – Navaratri is celebrated all over India in various...

Navratri Puja Vidhi and fasting rules

Worship Goddess Durga during Navratri festival in order to seek her divine blessings by doing Durga puja at home and observing fast for nine days. Navratri festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy across India every year in different forms including Durga puja and fasting, playing garba, etc. Devotees worship various avatars of the Goddess...

Friday, September 26, 2014

Importance Colours to wear on Navratri 2014

Celebrate Navratri festival 2014 for nine days by dressing up in attractive colors each day and worshipping Goddess Durga, doing the dandiya dance, and enjoying good food. Colors hold special significance in any festival, and the popular Navratri festival in India also has an interesting ritual for the women who wear 9 various colors during the 9...

Health Benefits of Early Morning Water Therapy

Drinking water on an empty stomach every morning can have remarkable therapeutic effects for a number of health issues. Here are some important benefits of morning water therapy. We all know how important it is to stay hydrated and drink sufficient water, but did you know that water is most beneficial when consumed early in the morning on an empty...

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Special Recipes for Navratri Fast

This Navratri, try these mouth-watering and delicious farali recipes to satisfy your taste buds for your Navratri vrat or upavas. The auspicious festival of Navratri is celebrated nationwide by worshipping Maa Jagdamba, a form of Goddess Durga. Navratri marks the beginning of spring or autumn, which means change of season. During the change of seasons,...

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Must watch Skin Cancer Photos to identify it

Check out the must watch skin cancer gallery to identify common skin cancers and non-cancerous types of skin growths at early stage and save your life. We all want to know the secret for preventing skin cancer, which becomes the most common type of cancer. But, there is no surefire strategy to avoid it. Fortunately, all types of skin cancers can...

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

5 Recipes of Indian Kheer

Make several types of Indian kheers like anjeer kheer, carrot kheer or mixed fruit kheer to celebrate every occasion as well as to satisfy your taste buds. India is a delightful merging of various kinds of people with interesting traditions, life style and special cuisine. Indian recipes are best by means of hygiene, health, taste, and its special...

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Surprising Health Benefits of Pine Tree

Pine trees have long, needle-shaped leaves, and are in huge demand for lumber, landscaping, erosion control, privacy screens, and several other medicinal uses. Pine trees are evergreen and produce dense shade, have a wonderful citrus-like smell, and look very attractive in the winter landscape, as the long pine needles blow in the wind and reflect...

Monday, September 8, 2014

Acne triggering foods

To get gorgeous acne free skin, stay away from food items that are responsible for acne breakouts like bread, sugar, coffee, dairy products, and deep fried foods. Acne is normal in teenage life phase, when everyone gets acne breakout due to hormonal changes in our body. But with essential skin care routine and right diet plan, we can control outbreak...

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Natural Ways to get Gorgeous

The secret ingredients to look gorgeous are easily available in your kitchen. There are many foods in your kitchen that make you look incredibly beautiful. It’s no secret that these days, women have become more conscious when it comes to their looks. They want to look gorgeous and attractive all the time. In order to fulfill their desire of looking...

Friday, September 5, 2014

1 Bucket of water and salt keep your stress away

Taking a salt bath daily is the most relaxing way to keep your stress away. And best of all, it is very affordable, bringing all the advantages of a costly spa trip at your own home. Stress seems to be so common in everyone's life today, and it affects anyone - male or female, young or old, intelligent or unintelligent, rich or poor. Your stress...

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