Sunday, April 28, 2013

Neem Beauty benefits: Treat Infections, Pores, Acne & Hair Troubles

Bitter boon Neem has many skin and hair benefits. Let's check Neem Beauty benefits in treatment of Infections, Pores, Acne & Hair Troubles using as leaves, powder and oil. The magical NEEM TREE is very famous herb of India and used in about 75 percent of Ayurvedic medicines. It is commonly known as the Indian lilac or Margosa in English. It has...

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

How to have beautiful feet naturally at home?

Assume the situation like, you have worn beautiful dress with matching accessories and when it comes to your feet; you are trying to find out footwear that can cover your neglected feet. You would be embarrassed though you had most beautiful dress and accessories. Thus, you should take care of your feet as much as you care for your skin, face and...

Friday, April 19, 2013

Yogas to Increase Sperm Count without any cost at home

When any individual’s sexual life gets affected because of any health related reason than it will be considered as the serious medical problem. Person gets really depressed and wants to cure it as soon as possible. These days, one of the most common problems diagnosed in men is 'low sperm count'. There are various psychological and physical reasons...

Friday, April 12, 2013

Is lucid dreaming good or bad ?

Dreams are among the innumerable mysteries of Nature. All the human beings get dreams but only some people remember it when they wake up. Dreams are uncontrollable, they simply occur. Many people experience lucid dreaming in which a person knows that he/she is dreaming. In lucid dreaming, the dreamer can control certain or all elements of the dream...

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Dangers of Bikini Waxing

Bikini waxing is a popular fashion trend among all women regardless of age. In fact, nowadays more and more women are opting for bikini waxing without realizing the potential risks involved with this beauty procedure. The dangers of bikini waxing can range from a minor reaction like slight irritation or redness, to severe life-threatening bacterial...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

How to get rid of skunk smell in house, Car and Clothes?

There’s nothing worse than the unpleasant foul odor of a skunk. Skunks, also known as polecats in America, are small black and white mammals that are famous for their ability to spray a stinky liquid. All skunks have scent glands underneath their tails. Whenever they feel scared or susceptible, skunks would lift their tails and spray a stinky liquid...

Friday, April 5, 2013

Perfect figure Making Tips from Adivasi Women in India

There is no doubt that people living in rural or tribal parts of India have very poor living conditions than those living in urban areas. But when it comes to health or lifespan, tribal people are far better than urban people. This is because tribal people live close to nature. They have healthy eating habits and this in turn protects their body from...

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Most popular Career myths busted

By the time you graduate or ready to gear on your career, there are so many career advices hurling around you frequently from well-meaning friends, relatives, and of course family. Hearing them over and over again, you might have fallen victim to some of the most common myths… but don’t feel bad, as not only you but nearly everyone in the workforce...

Monday, April 1, 2013

Uvula Infection Treatments

Everyone knows that bell-shaped organ hanging from the roof of the throat, but do you know what it is called? It is Uvula - pronounced as You-View-La. It helps us in talking and in swallowing food without choking. It can get inflamed because of an allergy, trauma or viral/bacterial infection. Inflammation of the uvula is known as uvulitis. Although...

Easy Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Stones removal

Kidney plays a key role in the filter system of our body - it filters out impurities from our blood. One of the most common disorders of urinary track - “Kidney Stones” has become the usual problem of everyone in India. Any person who has regular diet rich in animal proteins and poor in fibers and fluids, are likely to face problem of kidney stones...

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