Check out simple yet effective home remedies to cure common cold, cough, fever, earache, congestion in small kids easily without having any side effects.
Every season has their merits and demerits and small kids always become sick with each turn and twist of season. Slight increase in heat or drop of temperature causes several health issues to your kids like a tummy ache or a stuffy nose. All these health issues can effect your kid’s steady growth. It might affect negatively on your kid’s health on long term if you go for high dose prescription frequently. Simple home remedy can easily handle any kind of routine health problems in small kids. Ingredients used for simple home remedies are easily available in our home like ginger, vinegar, baking soda, dry nuts, dates etc. Check out simple yet effective home remedies to keep your kids healthy.
Honey and lemon juice: With small rise or fall into the temperature, many kids have cold and cough. Mixture of lemon and honey helps to resolve the viral infection of cold and cough. Lemon dries up congestion and honey soothes. As per the recent studies, one spoon of honey eased kid’s cough much better than cough medicine. Do not use this remedy for kid under one year because honey is not safe for them.
Baking soda: Baking soda has soothing effect on bugs bite. Alkaline based baking soda helps to counteract the acidic swelling caused by bug bite. Apply paste of baking soda on bite to soothe itching. Allow paste to dry out and wash it off. It acts better to resolve itching besides store-bought products.
Cayenne Pepper: It is a special spice that has power to clot blood. So, whenever your kid’s nose bleeds, keep head of your child upright and pinch his nostrils together for 1-2 minutes. Take one moistened cotton swab and sprinkle little ground cayenne pepper. Dab it inside the nose of your kid on area that bleeds. It will stop bleeding to resolve the nosebleed problem.
Every season has their merits and demerits and small kids always become sick with each turn and twist of season. Slight increase in heat or drop of temperature causes several health issues to your kids like a tummy ache or a stuffy nose. All these health issues can effect your kid’s steady growth. It might affect negatively on your kid’s health on long term if you go for high dose prescription frequently. Simple home remedy can easily handle any kind of routine health problems in small kids. Ingredients used for simple home remedies are easily available in our home like ginger, vinegar, baking soda, dry nuts, dates etc. Check out simple yet effective home remedies to keep your kids healthy.
Honey and lemon juice: With small rise or fall into the temperature, many kids have cold and cough. Mixture of lemon and honey helps to resolve the viral infection of cold and cough. Lemon dries up congestion and honey soothes. As per the recent studies, one spoon of honey eased kid’s cough much better than cough medicine. Do not use this remedy for kid under one year because honey is not safe for them.
Baking soda: Baking soda has soothing effect on bugs bite. Alkaline based baking soda helps to counteract the acidic swelling caused by bug bite. Apply paste of baking soda on bite to soothe itching. Allow paste to dry out and wash it off. It acts better to resolve itching besides store-bought products.
Cayenne Pepper: It is a special spice that has power to clot blood. So, whenever your kid’s nose bleeds, keep head of your child upright and pinch his nostrils together for 1-2 minutes. Take one moistened cotton swab and sprinkle little ground cayenne pepper. Dab it inside the nose of your kid on area that bleeds. It will stop bleeding to resolve the nosebleed problem.